Thought for Today

He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else ... Ben Franklin

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog
Wife, mom & professional digitizer
September 02, 2009
Naughty ol' me, not keeping my blog up to date. I guess life got in the way again.

It's been a busy time since the last blog update. We celebrated the boys' 5th birthday at the end of June, with 20-something sugar fueled preschoolers having an absolute ball. Then the long mid-year holidays ... that took some organising keeping the little guys entertained.

During this time I also developed a really bad eye infection which lasted nearly three weeks and once that eventually cleared up, we all took turns getting the flu! Yikes!

Anyway a lot's happening on our website. Here's a sampling of some of our new sets added since June ...

I've also uploaded our new customer bonus design for September. It's block 3 - the wreath block - from our exclusive Christmas Sampler series. Click here to take a peek. Yours FREE with orders this month.

Big congrats to Anne Lawrence, our lucky draw winner for August. She chose the Funky Flower Patch Purse as her prize. Happy stitching!!

Chat soon,
