Thought for Today

He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else ... Ben Franklin

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog
Wife, mom & professional digitizer
September 26, 2009
I came across these messages posted by They were posted on the Martha Pullen Phorum.

Author: Chr
Date: 04-09-09 05:51

I'm afraid that my experience with Anne is tainted. Her customer service is lowsy, and the one design set that I did buy from her was just plain terrible. I'll never buy from her again.

And to top it, there is a rumour going around that she has been copying designs from Moose B'Stitchin and Daffy Down Dilly.

Here's another one:

Author: Chr
Date: 04-09-09 09:49

I am sorry if I offended you, but the fact is that Moose B'Stitchin has confirmed that they are keeping a close eye on PurpleHat.

I asked PurpleHat to send me a CD with the designs on, and I got a crummy handwritten cd, which I could have made myself. Nothing like the stuff you get from other reputable vendors. When I complained, since I had paid extra for the CD, I was rebuffed and told off - so no, I won't support PurpleHat. The quality of the designs were bad, the outlines, satin stitches and design elements did not line up, so I am rather unhappy.


Here's the link for the above comments:

These defamatory posts were made during the period I was involved in a legal dispute with DeKatzen Embroidery. The truth is that christopher.andrews loved my designs so much that she sold them on her website.

I have more examples of hate mail sent by this person to my business associates, the most recent being a week or so ago.

Shame on you!
September 24, 2009
I spent most of today analyzing more designs this thief has purchased from me and made available for sale on her website. What’s most surprising isn’t her sheer audacity but that her actions still shock me! I guess it’s because I’m an honest person.

How can you take someone else’s work and call it your own? How can you wallpaper your website with Bible passages when you’re selling stolen designs? How do you remember all the lies, false names and fake email addresses?

I can only shake my head in disbelief and hope that someday you’ll come to your senses.

By the way, defamation means making FALSE statements that may harm the GOOD character and reputation of someone. If anyone's guilty of defamation, it's your alter ego who continually makes false statements about my good reputation.

Sleep well
September 22, 2009
Dear Friends

Last June I received an email from one of my customers - she was concerned about the designs offered by a new unknown digitiser operating from an embroidery mall and suggested I take a look. When I visited the link she provided I was horrified. My Scraptacular Sewing Bag was up for sale. It had a new name, one or two minor tweaks to the original design and was being sold by someone I'd never heard of and most certainly, had never authorised to sell my designs.

Upon further investigation I discovered this crook had purchased a whole lot of stuff from me under three different names (there may be more, who knows!). Her intention was quite clear - she would buy my in-the-hoop projects and use them as the basis for setting up her business.

Credit card cases, coin purses, towel toppers, cell phone holders, bag projects - these were just some of my items on her shopping list (and I have the sales records to prove it). Furthermore, she copied web content and instruction files virtually word for word. I asked her to remove the designs and come clean but she refused. This left me with no option but to seek legal advice.

During the course of the legal battle (which took six months) this woman really showed her true colors. She would email my business associates using a fake yahoo id, making false allegations in an attempt to discredit me and my business. She continued adding my designs to her website. She also bought designs from another digitiser and offered them for sale. She would pretend she was ill so that she could delay the legal process. She acquired another bag design of mine just after I made it available for sale on my website and gave it away as a free download to her newsletter subscribers.

And so it went ... until one day I thought she'd given up and gone away. How wrong was I!

She went and set up a new website and gave herself a new identity. She still has some of my designs on her site and continues to profit from my hard work. She has blogged about her innocence and asked people to pray for the troubled soul that has accused her of stealing. She has started her email campaign to my business partners again. She's even tried to block me from viewing her website so that I can't see what mischief she's getting up to. Too bad I know how to get around that.

And all of this is from a woman who claims to be a devout Christian.

The Bible has a lot to say about stealing and there are many passages one can quote, the most succinct being Exodus 20:15 "Thou shall not steal" . Never, in any way from anyone. God's intention is pretty clear. We are to gain property and possessions by honest work, not stealing.

Don't be fooled by this hyprocrite, who pretends to appear righteous only as a cloak to conceal her wicked ways. "He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." 1 John 2:4

What's more, this woman claims in two recent emails to me and on her blog that she doesn't know who I am and has no connection to the previous website. I have written proof of her identity and the links between the original site and the new one.

I just want you to know, "Mrs As yet Unnamed", that I am fed up with your lies and I will not stop until you take all my designs off your website. I have no qualms about revealing who you are and details of what you've done (and continue to do). The truth is on my side.

Now where did I leave my Stitches 'n Bears magazine?

Until later ..
September 17, 2009
Dear Friends
I have just added a fun, free in the hoop project for your enjoyment. Click HERE to find our corner bookmark for 4x4 hoops. A great gift for bookworms!
The bookmark can be personalised with a small design, monogram or just use those pretty fabric scraps in your stash.
Don't forget that Molly Dolly is on special for another week, until 26 September '09.
Enjoy your weekend!
September 11, 2009

Hello all!
I hope you've had a good week. So what are you sewing this weekend? If you're looking for a really nice project and getting a headstart on those Christmas gifts, come on over and meet Molly Dolly. She's a real sweetie.

Molly is our latest in-the-hoop project. I spent the last two weeks fine-tuning the body design so that all the body parts are made and joined in the hoop - a technique exclusive to The Purple Hat. So now there's no need to spend hours trying to hand sew stuffed arms and legs to the body like other large doll designs.

She also comes with removable clothing, so the little Mommies can have fun dressing their baby and changing diapers. The clothes are also made in the hoop, leaving the fewest possible seams to hand or machine stitch closed.

Molly comes with full instructions and over forty color photographs to help you along. Click HERE to see Molly Dolly 5x7 and 6x10


September 02, 2009
Naughty ol' me, not keeping my blog up to date. I guess life got in the way again.

It's been a busy time since the last blog update. We celebrated the boys' 5th birthday at the end of June, with 20-something sugar fueled preschoolers having an absolute ball. Then the long mid-year holidays ... that took some organising keeping the little guys entertained.

During this time I also developed a really bad eye infection which lasted nearly three weeks and once that eventually cleared up, we all took turns getting the flu! Yikes!

Anyway a lot's happening on our website. Here's a sampling of some of our new sets added since June ...

I've also uploaded our new customer bonus design for September. It's block 3 - the wreath block - from our exclusive Christmas Sampler series. Click here to take a peek. Yours FREE with orders this month.

Big congrats to Anne Lawrence, our lucky draw winner for August. She chose the Funky Flower Patch Purse as her prize. Happy stitching!!

Chat soon,
