Thought for Today

He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else ... Ben Franklin

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Welcome to my Blog
Wife, mom & professional digitizer
February 14, 2010
So the South African website that caused headaches for a few digitisers has been taken down by its owner. The sudden disappearance is a result of more alledged copyright violations, not from me this time although some of my designs were still being sold on the site.

I understand there are plans for a new website. That's okay - the embroidery market is huge and there's room for everyone - but (and it's a big but) don't sell other people's work.

Your actions have angered many, not only the digitisers affected but also clients who have spent their hard-earned cash on stolen designs.

Take time to think about your actions and the impact they've had, and most importantly, don't repeat the "mistakes" you've made.

Please take this advice seriously