Thought for Today

He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else ... Ben Franklin

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog
Wife, mom & professional digitizer
February 03, 2010
Dear Friends

It's been a good week for digitisers. As a group we managed to put an end to illegal design trading on a Dutch forum. Thanks to everyone involved for their efforts.

The Purple Hat scored another victory by tracking down and successfully bringing to book an embroidery dealership involved in the illegal distribution of our designs and projects. Well done to my new fiery attorney for getting the matter sorted out so efficiently.

On the down side, I heard about another pretty nasty copyright infringement case. This time it's about a well-respected and talented quilter in the Western Cape who's allegedly had her original patterns and workshop notes plagiarised. This lady is a widow and relies on her small quilting business to make ends meet.

I never cease to be amazed by the greed and dishonesty that motivates some.
