Thought for Today

He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else ... Ben Franklin

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog
Wife, mom & professional digitizer
July 09, 2010
Dear Friends

It's been awhile since my last blog post. We've been very busy at home. In April my sister and niece flew in from Australia for a much anticipated visit, which co-incided with my dear uncle's 70th birthday celebration. We had a wonderful 3 weeks together and naturally it was so sad saying farewell to my two best girls. Shown below is my niece Zeena with my boys. She's so big now - nearly 2 1/2 years old!

The next big occasion was my Mom's birthday followed by the long school holidays and (drumroll please) my sons' 6th birthday! An enormous amount of time and energy went into planning a "boot camp" army party and the kids had a blast. My creative energies were channelled into making (almost lifesize) cardboard army tanks, obstacle courses, medals, posters etc.

And don't forget the cakes! My birthday boys gave strict instructions about their requirements so my baking and icing abilities were put to the test. Fortunately they have improved with practice, so I successfully turned out a 3D army tank with camo fondant icing as well as two "battlefield" cakes for their party. Here's Rob below all ready for action!

So the army party was a success and just as I was about to get back to digitising, we had to prepare for a Star Wars dress-up event. Out came the cardboard, paper mache, paints and fabric and we put together two fab costumes! Rob went as Captain Rex (what do you think of my Rex helmet?) and Matthew was dressed up as Anakin Skywalker.

So not an awful amount of time for digitising but we certainly have had fun! The Soccer World Cup is nearly over and we're looking forward to the Final on Sunday. The kids go back to school next week (after 6 weeks at home!) so life returns to the normal routine again. Back to digitising and creating more fun projects for you.

Hugs & stitches